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Profiles & Projects

Information Box Group


Profiles on Yaffle tells the reader who you are and your areas of expertise and interest. A Profile can contain research interests, contact information, affiliations, and courses taught. Profiles link to other features in Yaffle including Projects, Opportunities, and Networks and make it easy for users to find individuals with expertise in a specific area of interest. Profiles can be migrated over from MacExperts or they can be created manually with the help of the Yaffle support team.


Projects on Yaffle build on your profile to showcase what you’re working on, and what you’re interested Projects can include published research and citations, funding awards, teaching experience, partnerships, and current areas of work . Project information can be migrated from MacExperts or added in manually. On Yaffle, Projects make the complex work of organizations like universities and research institutes available and usable to the broader public and potential community partners..