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Donations & Volunteers

CareMongering HamOnt CareMongering Facebook Group

Type of Support Needed:  Volunteer and Monetary Donations

The Disability and Justice Network of Ontario (DJNO) and HamStu have organized CareMongering Hamilton to share and organize community resources in response to COVID-19.  The goal is to organize the local community on the grassroots level to ensure vulnerable community members have access to food, housing, healthcare, and other necessities.

Volunteer Sign Up

Etransfer donations to:

Keeping Six & HAMSMaRT Learn More

Type of Support Needed: Volunteer and Donations (Monetary, cell phones, tablets, laptops, tents, sleeping bags, tarps, and individually packaged water bottles or soft drinks or juice.)

Keeping Six – Hamilton Harm Reduction Action League is a community-based organization that defends the rights, dignity, and humanity of people who use drugs – and the Hamilton Social Medicine Response Team (HAMSMaRT) are organizing to provide support and street outreach for people in Hamilton experiencing homelessness during COVID-19.


YWCA Learn More

Types of Support Needed:  Monetary and PPE (personal protective equipment) Donations

Food4Kids Hamilton Learn More

Type of Support Needed:  Monetary Donations 

Food4Kids will be providing gift cards to families registered in their program by mail. They are committed to ensuring children involved with Food4Kids have access to food throughout the closure.

Hamilton Food Share Learn More

Type of Support Needed:  Monetary Donations

Hamilton Food Share is accepting monetary donations to buy wholesale food to supply food banks across the city.  For Hamiltonians needing food; food banks have modified their service delivery according to the guidelines set out by public health. Client intake has been shortened, food is being prepackaged, meal programs are making prepared meals and handing them out.

National COVID-19 Volunteer Recruitment Campaign Learn More

The Government of Canada is working with provincial and territorial governments to respond to COVID-19.  They are seeking volunteers to help in the following areas:

1. Case tracking and contact tracing;
2. Health system surge capacity;
3. Case data collection and reporting.

They are building an inventory of volunteers from which provincial and territorial governments can draw upon as needed and welcome ALL volunteers as they are looking for a wide variety of experiences and expertise.

Closing Date: April 24, 2020

United Way: Local Love in a Global Crisis Learn More

Type of Support Needed:  Monetary Donations

United Way has launched a COVID-19 Emergency Fund for our community.  The objective of this Fund is to address the emerging and urgent social issues our community will face as a result of this critical pandemic.  The Fund has been designed to accept agency applications for new initiatives and for shifts in how programs are offered, as a direct result of the pandemic.  Funds will be vetted, approved by a local committee and will be measured on outcomes.

HFSS COVID-19 Relief Fund Learn More

Type of Support Needed:  Monetary Donations

On March 27, 2020, Hamilton Foundation for Student Success (HFSS) established the COVID-19 Relief Fund to continue supporting students in need.  Donations are specifically going to fulfill HWDSB student’s nutritional and technological needs.

On April 16, 2020, a joint message by HFSS and Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board addressed that the closure of schools resulted in many HWDSB students, losing access to in-school nutrition programs and technology.  Donations to the COVID-19 Relief Fund will allow the HFSS to support students as they face these challenges.