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CityLAB Semester in Residence is a project-based experiential program where students work in interdisciplinary teams mentored by staff from the City of Hamilton and local community organizations, as well as course instructors, to address real challenges affecting communities in Hamilton. CMTYENGA 4A06 is one of the two mandatory courses part of CityLAB SIR.
Using an inquiry model and drawing on an associated city-identified challenge, this course develops disciplinary capabilities in design thinking and dialogue to promote effective change-making. Below are examples of questions explored in both the design and dialogue sections of this course.
- How can we construct a physically accessible city?
- What is the value of community assets, such as sports stadiums or public parks, from an economic, social or health perspective?
- How can we design cities to address the ongoing housing crises?
- How can we develop cultural humility?
- How can we establish trust, and create spaces for effective discourse?
- What are the best practices for engaging in public communication to reach underrepresented groups?
Six hours; One term
Co-requisite(s): CMTYENGA 4A09
Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or IV.
CityLAB Semester in Residence is a project-based experiential program where students work in interdisciplinary teams mentored by staff from the City of Hamilton and local community organizations, as well as course instructors, to address real challenges affecting communities in Hamilton. CMTYENGA 4A09 is one of the two mandatory courses part of CityLAB SIR.
Using an inquiry model and drawing on an associated city-identified challenge, this course develops disciplinary capabilities in project management to promote effective change-making. Below are examples of questions explored in this course:
- How can we effectively plan and execute significant community building or city planning projects?
- How can we build relationships and engage with stakeholders to prioritize reciprocity and equity in change-making initiatives?
- How do we create room for differing views in team settings?
Six hours; One term
Co-requisite(s): CMTYENGA 4A06
Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or IV
Semester at CityLAB is composed of both CMTYENGA 4A06 – Design and Dialogue Inquiry and CMTYENGA 4A09 – Applied Project Experience. Both courses must be taken as co-requisites.
View previous course outlines here.