Panel Discussion: Critical Community Perspectives on Housing and Homelessness in Hamilton
Mar 25, 2024
6:00PM to 8:00PM

Date(s) - 25/03/2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Matters of housing, the needs of people in need of housing, the definitions crafted of people in need, problems to be addressed, and the solutions being advanced have been and continue to be urgent areas of focus in need of continued critical conversation.
The surveillance, criminalization, eviction, encampment destruction, and depictions of people living outside as threat, risk, burden, or in terms of lack have framed problems in ways that obscure social, historical, and political context for understanding the contours of contemporary housing issues, omitting needs, identity, and negating human rights.
In this panel, we hope to engage critical community perspectives on housing issues and research in Hamilton by questioning policy craft that continues to exacerbate problems via persecutory protocols, and violations of charter rights, inviting perspectives that prioritize needs, rights, and life.
Moderator: Dr. Ameil J. Joseph, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Academic Director of Community-Engaged Research and Relationships, Office of Community Engagement, McMaster University
- Ahona Mehdi, Hamilton Encampment Support Network
- Gessie Stearns, Community Researcher on Homelessness, Ph.D. student, School of Social Work, McMaster University
- Shabeeh Ahmad, Hamilton Social Medicine Response Team (Hamsmart)
Location: CityLAB Hamilton, 58 Jackson St. W, Hamilton, L8P 1H4